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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Violence against women is a major public health concern. All future health leaders should be both informed in, and involved in, to help end it.


Because health leaders and workers are essential for identifying, aiding and empowering victims of gender-based violence, and are often the first point of contact for survivors. Health leaders can also contribute to the implementation and development of appropriate guidelines, policies and legislations to help victims of gender-based violence.

Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread and devastating human rights violations today.

Recent statistics by UN Women show that 2 of 3 women report that they or someone they know experienced some type of violence and only 1 of 10 women go to the police for help.

Violence manifests in physical, sexual and psychological forms, including but not limited to:
- Intimate partner violence
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Human trafficking
- Female genital mutilation
- Child marriage

The psychological, reproductive and sexual health consequences caused by violence against women and girls affect their access to education and the labor market - a reality true all over the world, including Canada.

How can you help end the violence?

By adopting comprehensive and inclusive approaches to tackle the root causes, transform harmful gender norms, and empower women and girls.

JOIN US in this campaign to spread awareness amongst future health leaders and let's UNITE to End Violence against Women. Participate in our 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) as we increase awareness, promote advocacy and create opportunities for discussion on challenges and solutions. International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25 marks the launch of this campaign and it continues until December 10, International Human Rights Day.

Check out the GALLERY BELOW to check out all information related to this campaign!

Themes we explore:
- Day 1: General Awareness
- Day 2: Shadow Pandemic - Influence of Covid19 on GBV
- Day 3: Genocide in Canada - GBV in Indigenous populations
- Day 4: Silenced, Understudied and Underrepresented - GBV and Black women
- Day 5: Created by Violence - GBV and Women with Disabilities
- Day 6: Being LGBTQ2+ and GBV
- Day 7: Link between HIV/AIDS and GBV
- Day 8: GBV link with Traumatic Brain Injury
- Day 9: Obstetric Violence and GBV
- Day 10: GBV on Health Workers
- Day 11: The Hard Facts: Shocking Statistics
- Day 12: GBV and Femicide
- Day 13: How GBV impacts Mental Health
- Day 14: Broken System: Limitations of the Legal and Correctional System
- Day 15: GBV and Cyberviolence
- Day 16: Human trafficking
*For sources and more info, check out our "Sources and Further Readings" page
** NOTE: GBV against both women and men are human rights violations. Here we explore the impact on different populations of women since they are the most at risk of GBV

If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse or gender-based violence, here are some help-lines in Canada:
> Assaulted Women's Helpline - Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511
> Fem'aide (French) - Toll Free: 1-877-336-2433
> Talk4Healing (Indigenous) - Toll Free: 1-855-554-4325

Watch all our Past Project Videos on our Youtube!

EWIH International Women's Day Panel 2021

EWIH International Women's Day Panel 2021

What does it mean to be a "leader in health"? How can you break societal barriers and mobilize your own power? Why is equitable representation in health leadership so critical? The event includes discussions around these exciting topics. Keynote: A Primer for Students - Becoming and Being a Leader in Health Dr. Rebecca Pillai Riddell - PhD. Associate Vice-President Research, York University. She completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of British Columbia. As a health scientist, her research is funded by all three federal research agencies and focuses on understanding the development of young children’s pain responses (biological and behavioural), in the context of their caregivers. Distinguished Panelists: Dr. Nadia Prendergast - RN, PhD. Assistant Professor in York University's Faculty of Health, School of Nursing. She completed her master’s and PhD degrees in Education and Women’s Studies from the University of Toronto, where her area of research focused on the experiences of internationally educated nurses of colour working within Canada’s multiculturalism practices. Dr. Prendergast's areas of interests reside in primary health care, community development, women’s health and equity studies. Dr. Farah Ahmad - MBBS, MPH, PhD. Associate Professor in York University's Faculty of Health - School of Health Policy & Management. After completing a Bachelors in Medicine, she went on to get a Masters in International Health from Harvard University and a PhD in Public Health from the University of Toronto. Dr. Farah Ahmad is a health service researcher with a focus on primary care settings, psychosocial health, vulnerable communities and eHealth innovations. Dr. Ruth Rodney - RN, PhD. Assistant Professor in York University's Faculty of Health, School of Nursing. She completed her Masters in Global Health Management at McMaster University, and her PhD degree in Nursing and Global Health as part of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health Collaborative doctoral program from the University of Toronto. Her focus is on on understanding health through social, political, economic, and historical realms, with the desire to eliminate health disparities caused by various forms of discrimination. This event is brought to you by Empowering Women In Health (@empoweringwomeninhealth), a grassroots organization funded by York University, and York International's Global Peer program. LINKS - For our website: - For our Women's Historical Health Timeline: Intro Video Song Creds.: Artist: C Cane. Key Note Speaker: Janet Taras. Music Producer: Prodbyk4cie. Creative Direction: Hue Agency.

Our Image Gallery for this Project!

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