Links for Sources and Further Readings
Note: the information presented covers sources and suggested readings from both projects and social media campaigns
Black History Month
Lack of health data hurting Black Canadian women, U of T researchers find (
Programs at 3 of 17 medical schools in Canada aim for equity for Black students
Canadian doctors of colour offer a frank look at racism in medicine
'We need to ensure a cultural shift': U of T's Onye Nnorom on why Canada needs more Black physicians
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
16 days of activism against gendered violence 2020
Day 16
Human Trafficking in the Pediatric Population in Canada | PedsCases
Screening for Human Trafficking in the Emergency Department | Faculty of Medicine (
Luring of girls into sex trade reaching 'epidemic' level, police say | CBC News
Day 15
Cyberviolence and Online Hate Against Women | Learn the Facts (
Cyber-Violence Against Women | BWSS with full report here: CyberVAWReportJessicaWest.pdf (
Why incels are a 'real and present threat' for Canadians | CBC News
Day 14
Women, children turned away from shelters in Canada almost 19,000 times a month | CBC News
How this P.E.I. program helps women take back control after leaving abusive relationships | CBC News
'Barriers' in Canada's legal system complicating fight to end domestic violence | CBC News
Making the links: Violence, trauma and mental health | Canadian Women's Health Network (
Catherine's Story - Safety Circles for Women in Crisis (
Day 13
Report on Violence Against Women, Mental Health and Substance Use - Canadian Women's Foundation
Making the links: Violence, trauma and mental health | Canadian Women's Health Network (
Day 12
Day 11
Day 10
Violence against female health workers is tip of iceberg of gender power imbalances
Canada's chief medical officers put women's leadership in spotlight
Day 9
Day 8
Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence & Traumatic Brain Injury: Helping the Helpers by Addressing Gaps in Knowledge & Support : Under “Webinars” - by Dr. Angela Colantonio and Lin Haag
Domestic Violence-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries in Women
Mind Over Matter Magazine - By the Women's Brain Health Organization - Volume 10 pages 40-41
Traumatic Brain Injury and Domestic Violence
Day 7
Women and HIV in Canada
HIV/AIDS on rise for Canadian women
Gender-Based Violence and HIV in Canada - WHAI
How one Jamaican organization is empowering adolescent girls living with HIV
Women lead to reduce the impact of HIV and gender-based violence in the Middle East and North Africa
Rape of individuals with disability: AIDS and the folk belief of virgin cleansing
Assessing the impact of mass rape on the incidence of HIV in conflict-affected countries
Day 6
LGBTQ2+ Youth Priorities for Addressing Gender- Based Violence
Canada: Discrimination and Violence against Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Women and Gender Diverse and Two Spirit People
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer identified People and Mental Health
Maps Maps of anti-LGBT Laws Country by Country
LGBTQ2+ Youth & Gender-Based Violence Report
Government of Canada Announces Funding to Support LGBTQ2 Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Day 5
Factsheet on Persons with Disabilities | United Nations Enable
Intersectionality as a modus operandi for violence against women work
Fighting for the rights of disAbled women
Violent victimization of women with disabilities, Canada Statistics
DAWN-RAFH :: Fact Sheet on Women with Disabilities and Violence
Day 4
Black women and sexual violence: visibility and stigmatization (FR) : (Language: French)
Q&A: Author Robyn Maynard on Anti-Black Racism, Misogyny, and Policing in Canada
Roots and Resistance Webinar is a webinar that will explore in depth conversations about the connections between sexual violence, state violence, and healing from collective and individual sexual abuse and trauma for Black survivors.
Pioneers long before #MeToo went viral: Intersectionality, Black Women and Sexual Violence (Bilingual) : Webinar by Kharoll-Ann Souffrant (go to “Webinars”--> “Recordings of Past Sessions”--> “Oct.28”)
Day 3
Shaya MacDonald Webinar: For their “Indigenous Womxn, Gender Equity During a Pandemic”
Shaya MacDonald – On the Indian Act, Sex-Based Discrimination and Reconciliation
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
"Indigenous women are preyed on at horrifying rates. I was one of them" by Brandi Morin
Day 2
Helplines for women experiencing violence at home report dramatic increases in calls during COVID-19 pandemic
A Gender Lens on COVID-19: Pandemics and Violence against Women and Children
Calls to Canadian domestic violence helplines jump during pandemic
Day 1
Why gender-based violence is a public health issue
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2020
Canadian Statistics on violence against women - Canadian Women's Foundation
Violence against women: an urgent public health priority - Bulletin of the World Health Organization
National Child Day 2020
Women Heroes of Child Health
Remembering the Female Clinicians Who Revolutionized Pediatric Cardiology
National Childs Day
World Diabetes Day 2020
Women in Diabetes - History
Diabetes has health effects unique to women
World Diabetes Day - Nurses make the difference
World Pneumonia Day 2020
Learn more about Lady Montagu
About "Stop Pneumonia" initiative
Other Readings
Celebrating 10 women medical pioneers

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